Gas powered households in Europe
Waste disposal and sewage plants
It’s a serious challenge of our time to find long term sustainable solutions to guarantee future energy supply. Both cost and emissions can be lowered with innovative technology based on Zemission’s catalytic combustion platform – a scenario that makes everyone a winner.

Microgen +Zemission
In north western Europe, most households are using natural gas for heating. In cooperation with Microgen in the Netherlands, Zemission is developing a unique heat and power unit that lowers the household energy cost by some 35%. The product also eliminates toxic emissions and reduces CO2 emissions.

Azelio +Zemission
Emissions of methane gas is a serious environmental threat and a large part comes from all the waste disposal and sewage plants in Europe and worldwide. Together with the company Azelio, Zemission is developing a robust and efficient power unit that transforms methane gas of poor quality into clean and climate-smart electricity.